Build A Robust SaaS App With a High-Performing Team of Developers

Logiciel manages the entire SaaS application development process from concept and prototype to launch and scaling your product.

Specialists in Building SaaS Applications

Are you ready to discover, test, launch, and scale your SaaS business with Logiciel’s team of experienced software developers?

The phenomenal rise of SaaS companies has disrupted the global tech industry in recent years. More than 99% of all businesses worldwide use SaaS products daily, opening the door to lucrative new horizons for developing scalable SaaS applications.

At Logiciel, we have a track record of designing, building, and launching successful SaaS products for startups as well as established businesses. As a team of reliable SaaS developers, we’ve built products for partners in several industries since 2011.

Gain a Competitive Edge

We create robust, secure, and scalable SaaS apps that delight your customers.

Scalable, Secure Multi-Tenant Apps

Build your architecture from the ground up, making your SaaS secure and scalable.

Battle-Tested Team With a Proven Process

Established in 2011, we’ve built 25+ digital products, and we are active development partners to more than 10 SaaS companies.

Transform your SaaS From Vision to a Viable Business

From concept and prototype to launch and growth, our SaaS experts can kickstart your SaaS Application Development and bring your concept to life.

SaaS App Design

SaaS App Design

Design a user-centric experience with our expert SaaS team, covering Proof of Concept, Prototyping, and MVP stages using our battle-tested design methodology.

App Development

App Development

Build a user-friendly and intuitive SaaS app to expand your business reach. Our team will guide you through the entire process, ensuring you can go to market.
Performance Optmization

Performance Optimization

Maximize your performance & minimize costs with improved efficiencies. Team up with the best SaaS solution architects to improve, ideate and implement conversion-driven features.
API Development

API Development

Our seasoned engineering professionals ensure seamless integration of your end product with necessary applications, setting your SaaS business up for scalable expansion and widespread adoption.



Reduce the development cycles and maintain enterprise-grade quality control throughout the process. Go to market knowing that your concept has been tested, refined and set up for success from the start.

SaaS Consulting

SaaS Consulting

Turn your concept into a viable business with strategic guidance from our SaaS experts. With seasoned professionals, we will support you every step of the way to bring your ideas to life.

What’s Your Current SaaS Development Stage?

We understand the challenges SaaS founders face and have accompanied multiple companies through all stages of their journey – from planning to building, launching and scaling SaaS products. Our SaaS application experts are ready to help you create secure, multi-tenant products that stand out and can be scaled as your business grows.

Ideation Stage

Discover if your idea is viable

Throughout the discovery phase, we’ve brainstormed ideas and clarified visions. We’ve determined the must-have features for your MVP and confirmed the best route to market.

The next step is to build a working prototype to test, iterate, and get user feedback before launching into full-scale development.

How Logiciel can Help

In our discovery workshops, we use our proven methodologies to conduct thorough market research and competitive analysis. Together, we will dig into your SaaS concept and uncover its viability in the real world, by creating a proof of concept.

We’ll gain a deep understanding of the market landscape to ensure when we transform your idea into a working product, we meet the needs of your customer, delivering the valuable features only.

Learn more about discovery workshops

Problem Stage

Build and test a prototype

You’ve discovered what your customers need, and you’ve built a prototype to test your theories. You’re now ready to build version one of your product, your MVP. 

It’s easy to get carried away with development at this stage, but the best SaaS teams ensure development is lean and tightly focused on an MVP, so they can get to market quickly, gaining real-world feedback as soon as possible.

How Logiciel can Help

From sketched wireframes to high-fidelity prototypes for complex SaaS products, we work with SaaS companies to design and test their ideas. We offer an end-to-end prototype process, from rough sketches to define general layouts to full-blown working models with fonts, colors, images, and interactivity. 

By building a detailed prototype, you can see exactly how your product will look and feel, reducing rework downstream and eliminating errors once the development begins.

Learn more about prototypes

Product Stage

Develop your MVP

Congratulations — your SaaS is LIVE and gaining traction with paid users. The research phases have paid off, and you’ve created a product your customers love, but you know there’s room for improvement. 

You’re getting customer feature requests, and you’re keen to scale to the next stage. It’s the dream for many SaaS founders, but the growth stage comes with challenges.

How Logiciel can Help

As expert SaaS developers, we are laser-focused on developing core features that attract, delight, and retain your customers. We won’t waste your time building excess features creating code bloat and technical debt. 

Instead, we focus on getting an MVP launched quickly, efficiently, and successfully, getting you in the marketplace where you can gain traction and iterate based on customer feedback — not gut feelings.

Learn more about MVP development

Growth Stage

Scale your Application

Congratulations — your SaaS is LIVE and gaining traction with paid users. The research phases have paid off, and you’ve created a product your customers love, but you know there’s room for improvement. 

You’re getting customer feature requests, and you’re keen to scale to the next stage. It’s the dream for many SaaS founders, but the growth stage comes with challenges.

How Logiciel can Help

In the growth phase, your aim is to keep building a product that your customers love, retaining existing customers, and acquiring more. It’s tempting to build every feature your customers request or build features without any clear strategy, but the key is to stay laser-focused on commercially viable features. Otherwise, you’ll end up with code bloat and technical debt. 

At Logiciel, we can help you research, plan, and implement additional features based on a clearly-defined strategy, user feedback, and market research. Save time, money, and effort by staying focused on building the right features.

Learn more about product scaling

Multi-Tenant SaaS Architecture

Multi-tenant architecture enables a single environment to serve multiple users or tenants. It is scalable, robust, and resilient, meaning when your SaaS explodes into the growth phase, your foundations can cope. With a multi-tenant architecture, your SaaS can scale successfully and remains robust even with peak loading times.

Eliminate vulnerabilities

Increase performance

Effortlessly integrate with third-party apps
Reduce maintenance

Trusted Partner to SaaS Companies

With a decade of experience, we specialize in fueling your SaaS success. We have the expertise and skills to help you throughout all stages of your SaaS product development journey, from discovery and prototype to MVP and growth.

Ongoing Support

Our team of SaaS experts will provide ongoing support as you scale and add new features and functionality to your business. We’re here to ensure that you stay future-proof and agile at all times.

SaaS Outsourcing

Outsourcing your SaaS development to a reliable partner is an effective strategy to design and build a viable SaaS product fast and effectively.

Dedicated Teams

Our dedicated team includes a Solution Architect, Business Analyst, Project Manager, UX/UI Designer, and Software Engineers. Together, we help SaaS companies turn their concept into reality.


What is SaaS?

SaaS differs from the traditional model as businesses simply provision the server for an instance in the cloud, and in a matter of hours, the application is ready to use by multiple customers. This reduces the cost, installation time, and configuration of software deployment.

What Does a SaaS Development Company Do?
SaaS development companies partner with SaaS founders to help you discover, test, launch, and scale your business idea. From concept to a viable business, SaaS development agencies help you build a product that meets the needs of your customers, creating a user experience that delights, retains, and converts your target audience. By partnering with a trusted SaaS development company, founders can focus on other aspects of their business.
What Are the Main Challenges of Developing SaaS Apps?
Developing a SaaS application has some challenges. You need to ensure a proper security framework for data protection, you must ensure you build commercially viable features, and you must opt for an efficient development process. Without a trustworthy, experienced development team who has been there and done that, you can spend months building excess features and creating poor-quality code.
What is a SaaS software developer?
A SaaS developer specializes in developing and maintaining SaaS applications. They focus on creating comprehensive, end-to-end solutions using the latest tech stacks for front-end and back-end development and their relevant frameworks. They are also usually fluent in database design, development methodologies and their best practices. An expert SaaS developer will always follow efficient development practices without creating technical debt.
What makes up a SaaS Development Team?
A software development team typically includes a product owner, a solution architect, a business analyst, a project manager, a UX designer, developers, testing & DevOps engineers. However, the best SaaS development teams know to start by discovering your SaaS product needs and scope, then creating a team that neatly aligns with your business goals, budget, and timeline.
How long does it take to build a SaaS app?
The time frame usually depends on the complexity of the app, the scale of the project, the tech stack used, and other factors. Generally, it will take four to ten months to take a SaaS app from planning to the MVP launch stage.
How much does it cost to build a SaaS application?
The SaaS application’s cost mainly depends on the skills required and the quantum of effort required to complete the project. These factors are determined by the app’s complexity, the development stages, the type of solution, and the type of team required. It’s highly recommended to go for Product Discovery before asking for a cost estimate.

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We are a company that works with the business of creating unforgettable interactive products with people like you. We’ve spent the last 5 years helping over 25,000 teams.

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