How an Inexpensive UI/UX Design can Ultimately be More Expensive

Software developers may not think that their work has many effects on the end-user experience of the product, but this is usually incorrect. Before you release a new version of your software or start working on an add-on, ask yourself if your design could be better.

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July 23, 2021 secret sauce and subtle foundation of every successful business lies in the hearts of its loyal customers. Amazing products, outstanding services, and a stupendous customer experience have the potential to turn irregular prospects into long-term customers aka mini-endorsers. 

While most brands manage to do an exceptional job fine-tuning their services or innovating their products, they often overlook the magnitude of a spontaneous customer experience that could bring them closer to their customers’ minds, hearts, and souls. There’s a saying that suggests – “People will not remember what you said to them. But they will remember how you made them feel.”

In the vast and awe-inspiring online world, the UI/UX of your mobile or web app has a mighty effect on the customer experience. Smart business owners know that investing a good sum in a high-grade UI/UX development will help them invite a superior fortune. On the contrary, the ones who initially cut down expenses on UI/UX, risk rust their entire business idea, product, services, and the priceless customer experience that is usually a byproduct of a superb UI/UX. 

Let’s dive into the giant pit of questions that swallows the willingness of business owners when it comes to investing in state-of-the-art UI/UX:

Why Should I Choose an Expensive UI/UX Design while an inexpensive UI/UX Will Do?

Today’s customers make decisions out of the amount of trust they could put into a business and that trust comes with the value you are delivering to them. Unlike an inexpensive UI/UX, the expensive one involves a lot of research, experience, and expertise to serve the real purpose of the business. Businesses need to understand why users will choose them among such huge market competition. 

Research shows that a great deal of customer trust is associated with an incredible App design. The look, interactives, perfect placement of elements, ease of selection and navigation, color, UI animation, and texture add a touch of credibility and wholesomeness to a mobile app. So if given a choice between two similar products, customers would definitely choose the one with better UI.

Can I Lose More Money with an Inexpensive UI/UX?

Regardless of the type of business, the end goal, the primary objective of any business is always the Return On Investment (ROI). The more excellent the ROI, the more successful the business would be considered. 

Studies show that business apps with an Inexpensive UI/UX design lose way more ROI than one can imagine. As a result, saving a few bucks by developing a bad UI may make you lose a hundred or even a thousand times more.

Why Expensive (Good) UI/UX is Important?

A good design ensures the convenience of users while making your app aesthetically attractive. Now, it’s essential to comprehend that UI and UX are two different things. While the former makes your app more convenient, the latter amplifies its elegance. 

It has been proven that high-quality UI/UX designs put a strong and sudden positive effect on the subconscious minds of your users. In just a tenth second, they make a decision whether to interact (buy, subscribe, inquire) with your business or abandon it silently. Good design psychologically prompts users to take significant actions while the opposite repels them away. Good UI/UX design may be an expensive approach initially but, looking at the lasting impacts It offers, it is a great investment to make.

UI/UX Design Process

What makes a Generic UI/UX Design, a Good Design that Outperforms?

Unlike inexpensive UI/UX which is mostly copied and pasted work, good UI/UX combines thorough research and strategy of finding the best, most optimal, and highly convenient way for your users to interact with your online offerings. To do that, concept design aka wireframing, and detailed designing play a critical part. 

Overall, putting your precious dollars into an expensive design is more of a prolific investment rather than a liability. It has been said that “a penny saved is a penny earned” but sometimes, a penny spent is a penny earned. And in the case of UI/UX development, the latter is true.

UI/UX Design

Harpreet Singh

Team Leader UI/UX

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